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Students from English National Ballet School _ADancersLens 5.jpg

15 providers are approved to offer DaDAs to the most talented students in accordance with the scheme.


Students wishing to apply for a DaDA are required to audition for a place on a DaDA eligible course at one of the seventeen providers.


Following the audition, students who are judged at audition as being the most talented and likely to succeed in the industry will be invited to apply for means-tested DaDA towards fees and living costs directly via the provider.


If you are invited to apply for a DaDA, you will be provided with the relevant paperwork from the provider. All applications are administered directly by providers.


Students intending to apply for an award should contact a vocational school directly to enquire about DaDA funding.

For a list of DaDA providers, please click here.


English National Ballet School - A Dancers Lens 

© DaDA Steering Group, 2017

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